Prayer Requests
Many of us are praying for our local communities and the world, but sometimes our personal circumstances mean that we are not able to pray or need help from others. If you have a concern you would like us to pray for please email [email protected].
If you do not have internet or email please ring Rev Beverley Lock on 01539 33205, Rev Nick Hallam on 015394 36069 or Rev Jane on 07475 669 657. Another way would be to post a prayer request through the letterbox in the Parish Centre fire exit door to the right of the front door. There is a locked box on the other side so it is very secure.
I will be in church every Thursday early afternoon to light a candle and pray for the local community of Ambleside and prayer requests that we have received. On the last Thursday afternoon of each month I plan to walk the streets that have been identified in the Parish Magazine for that month and pray as I walk around.
Every blessing,
Rev. Jane Nattrass