Dec 2020
Notable Events
The Bible in Art
You are invited to Bible in Art via Zoom on 3 consecutive Tuesdays in December 1st, 8th and 15th at 7pm. To receive the information required to join, please contact John Dixon on [email protected] Bible session looks at a single painting. No knowledge of art or the Bible is required. Please pass this on to anyone who might be interested.
Blue Christmas Service
A service in St Mary's Church, Ambleside for those for whom Christmas is a difficult time. The church will be open all day for prayer. I will place reflective materials in advance in the church for you to use. I will be around all day, if you need someone (socially distanced) to talk to. In addition, if we can have services, at 10am and again at 4pm, there will be a short reflective-style service, following all Covid-19 guidelines.
Carol Service
Ecumenical Carol Service at St Mary's Church or on-line.
Cumbria's Big Carol Sing
A challenge has been set to create Cumbria’s biggest socially-distanced Christmas carol sing-along.
There will be an on-line service to celebrate with Christingles and donate to the Children's Society. Please watch this space for further details.
- 25.12.2020 Christmas Day All Age Service