Information for hirers

We are proud to host a wide range of concerts, festivals and events each year.

We can offer a large church with seating for up to 400.

We also have small kitchen facilities, a disabled toilet and access for wheelchairs. Further kitchen and toilet facilities are available at the adjacent Ambleside Parish Centre (APC). To book the APC, contact them through their website:

Music, poetry, drama, courses, talks... 

This year St Mary's will be used as a concert hall, opera venue and recording studio. 

If you are thinking of booking St Mary's Church, Ambleside for your event, please contact Judith Dixon at [email protected]

You may also find the documents listed below useful: 

We no longer require specific documents for Covid-19 protection; it is your responsibility to ensure you comply with up to date restrictions. 

Our hirers make use of the church in different ways. A recent group transformed it into a recording studio: click here to see the transformation.